Thank you for participating in Alafia River Rendezvous and for having the desire  to keep the spirit of rendezvous alive. All trade goods must represent articles available in the Colonies before 1840. The displays of any modern items or items not in keeping with the spirit of rendezvous are prohibited. Items that require modern packaging or containers (gun parts, solvents, toothbrushes etc.) must be under canvas or paper cover with identification of item on top. If you are not sure about acceptable trade goods, please ask or bring documentation with you.

The Trade Committee will make themselves known to all traders upon set-up and will inspect all items for sale throughout the Alafia.

Trader: A trader is any person who sets up a trade lodge or sets out a trade blanket with goods for sale or barter. Traders do not have to set up in traders’ row, but please check in with the trade chief or committee before setting out trade items. 

Blanket Trader: A Blanket Trader must display their goods on the ground and not exceed 110” x 110”, and an inventory not to exceed $500. Plan your space to be out of the way of foot traffic and not encroaching on other camps or traders. 

All trade areas are to add to the whole Alafia atmosphere. The items in a trade lodge or on a blanket must be original, handcrafted or authentic reproduction or adaptation of trade goods common to North America and must be displayed in a manner similar to that common during the pre-1840 Trade period. 

All traders will register at the Location Station with their real name, and trade name to receive a camp ribbon. This is vital if you plan to receive inventory via mail services. You will also NOT receive a trade license until this is done.

Trade licenses MUST be displayed once they are issued

Each Trader is responsible for the collection and reporting of FLORIDA STATE SALES TAX. Phone number is (863) 499-2260.

Items for sale must be displayed in period appropriate containers

Cassettes, CDs and DVDs are to be displayed in period container AND covered at all times with identification of the item on top of canvas or paper. Books, patterns, paintings, etc., pertaining to the period may be sold but must be displayed in an appropriate manner. 

Some items of question like tooth brushes (made of bone and bore bristles) in plastic for keeping sanitary, cigars in cellophane to keep fresh and other items packaged to keep clean or sanitary must be under canvas or paper cover with identification of item on top of canvas or paper coverings. 

Jewelry items shall be constructed of traditional materials and reflect the fur trade era. 

Artwork must relate to the era. Photographs and prints may be sold but MUST NOT be visible to passersby. No photocopies or copyrighted material shall be sold or displayed. Frames and displays must be appropriate for the Rendezvous Era. 

Unloading: Traders pull in to Traders Row and find your spot. Please unload and move your vehicles to the parking lot in a timely manner to aid in the smooth flow of getting other traders in and out. There will be plenty of time to socialize later.

All traders will have fire extinguishers, water buckets or both. 

Enamelware is not period correct but is considered rendezvous acceptable. Modern green, red, blue or other colors will NOT be accepted as trade goods. 

Knives will not be sold to anyone less than 18 years of age unless accompanied by an adult. 

Below, please find an OBVIOUS list of what is not acceptable. Not being on the list, or just because it is made out of leather does not make it acceptable. There are a lot of beginners now attending Alafia as their first rendezvous; it is up to us to teach them what is correct. 

NO “tourist trash”, chrome or stainless steel items, iridescent feathers, t-shirts, posters, feather hat bands, ceramic figurines, novelty mugs, lamps, wind chimes, plastic goods, contemporary “Native American motif” or “Buckskinner motif” arts, crafts, or jewelry, (including dream catchers and mandalas, etc), crystal balls, dyed rabbit foot key chains or other swap meet items. 

Animal parts or protected species that do not conform to the laws of the State of Florida and the Federal Government shall not be sold. (For specific information, contact the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 3900 Drane Field Road, Lakeland, FL 33811-1299 or call (863) 648-3203.)

No turquoise jewelry will be considered an appropriate trade item.

No Cat’s Eye Marbles (technology to make them wasn’t made until 1950’s) 

No synthetic fabrics, yarns or lace, either as garments or by the yard

No elastic, Velcro, zippers or plastic buttons. 

No Rayon-not patented until 1880s. 

All garments must represent those worn before 1840. 

No fake fur,  or fur dyed bright colors

No feathers of illegal birds of prey or taxidermy animals.  

No toy bamboo bows, toy cap guns, sling shots, cork guns (didn’t come around until 1864), cross bows, rubber band guns, modern noise makers, bamboo flutes, or train whistles. 

Antler art: no chandeliers, candleholders, non-period carvings, exotic carved, etc. 

No elastic suspenders 

Knives: No non-period folding, fishing knives, stainless steel and modern type boot knives, Pakistan type knife with unnatural handles, Malaysian style kris knives (wavy blades) samurai swords, Chinese throwing stars. 

No plastic handles, snap sheathes 

No nylon rope or products made from it. 

NO PLASTIC ANYTHING: beaded bags, claws, elk teeth, talons, fingers, skulls, hatbands, charms, canteens, buttons, harmonicas, hair pipe, etc. 


This is a list of items we do not wish to see at rendezvous. It is not all-inclusive. Some items will   be judged on a case-by-case basis. If you have supporting documentation for items you want to   sell on this list or that is questionable, bring it with you.


  1. The Trade Representative or Dog Soldier will notify and explain the nature of the problem and request compliance with the Alafia River Rendezvous Trade Rules and explain the consequences of any non-compliance.
  2. If the trader disagrees with the Trade Representative or Dog Soldier, they remove the item in question and contact the Trade Chief with their reasons for disagreement. Decisions of the Trade Chief are FINAL!

If, after the above steps, the trader is still not in compliance or refuses to comply with the decision of the Trade Chief, the Booshway will be contacted for further actions and the trader may be asked to leave the Alafia.

Food Vendors:

  • Paper containers only, no plastic or Styrofoam. (We have found a local vendor for paper cups if you can’t find them)
  • Please use period correct containers or cover modern containers for condiments. 
  • No plastic tablecloths.
  • No modern candy (Snickers, Milky Way, etc.) Cans and bottles must be kept out of site.
  • Please use period correct appropriate trash collection bins. (No plastic cans or collapsible tailgate type bins)

**Beverages and food items must be put into a period correct containesr before leaving the food tent. (We need to get participants back into the habit of bringing their own dinnerware)**


Food vendors will be given a sticker that allows them to shuttle supplies into the event during the hours of 6am – 8am.

** Per our Polk County Fire Marshall, Any kitchen that has an open flame near canvas needs to have a non-flammable barrier placed against the canvas. They require sheets of metal or tin.

All food vendors are required to supply trash containers and are responsible for removing all trash.

Fire extinguishers are REQUIRED for cooking vendors and suggested for all others.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me by email at

If you are in doubt about something you sell, ASK FIRSTThanks you so much for caring about doing it right.

Your signature on the registration form implies agreement and acceptance of all guidelines.

Ron Wilson, Alafia Trade Chief