Friday January 26 -Saturday January 27
Scout admitted on property starting at 5 pm Friday the 26th.
$8.50 for leader/chaperon. Scouts are free.

Scout Chief Jussy Gonzalez
Registration deadline Dec 15th, 2023
For information email
Scout Masters: Please review rules with your scouts.
- Arrival time starts at 5:00 pm Friday. Please coordinate arrival time with your group.
- At the gate each vehicle needs to have the vehicle troop identification form on the driver’s dashboard to go beyond the gate.
- You will be given your Packet at the Scoutmaster/SPL meeting at 9 pm.
- Please keep your scouts in the scout camping area Friday night and Saturday before 9 am and after 4 pm. They need always to be with an adult leader/chaperon.
- The gates open into the Primitive encampment at 9am Saturday morning. The patch you receive will be your “ticket” in and out of the event. All scouts and others with your unit should have their patch displayed on their person, either pinned to their shirt or strung around their neck while in the Primitive Rendezvous area. The Primitive Area is closed to all visitors at 4 pm. Please have your scouts leave at this time.
- While your troop is in the Primitive Rendezvous encampment, the scouts must be always accompanied by an scout leader/chaperon.
- When visiting individual camps, remember that this is someone’s home. Do not enter anyone’s tent without being invited.
- Do not touch other people’s things unless you have received permissions from the owner.
- The scout camp sites are primitive with no electric or running water.
- Potable water is available, but you must carry it to your campsite.
- There are no showers facilities.
- Port-a-Johns are the only toilet facilities. If any scout is found playing in or tipping the Port-a-Johns, your entire troop will be sent home and not be allowed to return again.
- Firewood is not available for purchase. Bring your own.
- Each unit depending on its size needs to have at least one or two fire extinguishers in camp.
- Follow basic fire safety, have 5 gal. Keep buckets of water around campfires and keep fires at a reasonable size. One per tent is also recommended and advised.
- Use your best outdoor manners and be respectful of the other campers in the area. Not too loud late at night, running through other campsites, etc.
- Please police your area for trash before your unit vacates the camp. Remember “Leave No Trace”.
- You are responsible for your own garbage. If the dumpsters are full please take your garbage with you.
- No scouts should leave the scout camp area without adult supervision.
- Surrounding properties are off limits! The fence lines north and west are our property boundaries; please keep scouts away from the fence line.
- Violation of these rules could result in your group being evicted from the property and not being allowed to return in the future.
Chief Jussy