The Alafia River Rendezvous is the Florida Frontiersmen’s annual event that provides rendezvous participants (campers and traders) with a pre-1840 environment including but not limited to games, music, and educational seminars for both adults and children. Participants may take part in competitive first-class black powder shooting, archery, hawk and knife programs that awards premium prizes to the winners. One day is set aside for school children to get a look at and learn about pre-1840 living. The last two Alafia days provide the general public with a peek at pre-1840 life and environment with demonstrations, first person docents, music, and camp life.


  • The Purpose of the Alafia River Rendezvous is to host the Country’s premier rendezvous event, provide a pleasurable and fun participant and visitor experience, provide historical education for those participating and visiting, conduct a safe and well-organized shooting event including knife & hawk and archery, while providing the primary annual fundraiser for the Club with the revenues going towards the Club expenses, activities, education, and improvements to the property.


  1. Adult – Anyone who has reached their 18th birthday.
  2. Encampment Area – Also known as the primitive area. The area starts inside the stockade gate, where 1640-1840s periods appropriate/correct camping and events occur.
  3. Event – The Alafia River Rendezvous.
  4. Minor – Anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday.
  5. Modern Area – the area designated for setup of modern tents, motor homes, RVs, etc.
  6. Parking Area – the area outside the stockade designated for specific categories of parking such as Handicap, Staff, Emergency Services, Visitors, etc.
  7. Rendezvous Grounds – Also known as the Florida Frontiersmen property.      Rendezvous grounds include all of the land owned by the Florida Frontiersmen, Inc.
  8. Time period 1640-1840 – Period Appropriate/Correct (These terms apply to: clothing, tents, camp furniture, camp accessories & gear, cooking accoutrements, firearms (see Range Rules).

Camp Setup:

  1. Participants may set up camp beginning at 8:00 am on the Wednesday of the event.
  2. The first 3 days of the event participants may drive into the encampment as many times as necessary. Trailers and vehicles are to be parked in the parking lot as soon as possible to keep potential campsites and roads open.
  3. All trailers and vehicles must be out of the encampment by 5:00 pm on the Friday of early set-up.
  4. After the encampment goes primitive, participants who have just arrived will be allowed to drop off their gear, remove their vehicle(s), and then setup camp. If the participant has an entire camp to unload, they may take up to one hour before being required to remove their vehicle from the encampment. If they have only a few things, they must drop their gear and remove vehicle as quickly as possible. Vehicles may only re-enter the encampment area during the event to leave.
  5. For safety reasons the following are not allowed, trenching around tents, perimeter roping of camping sites, straw or hay bales used as seats, or making a privacy fence/wind break using combustible material that is touching canvas. The staff will address anything else that is deemed unsafe. If the attendee does not remove the unsafe issue, they will be asked to leave the event.
  6. Fire pits are required. Campfires may only be permitted if the lack of fire hazards allow. Any pits dug must be completely filled in, all coals extinguished and any unused firewood returned to the woodpile or removed from the property prior to departing rendezvous. Failure to comply may result in the camper being denied attendance the following year.

Modern Camping Area:

Updated Modern Camping Area Rules link.

Leaving Early:

  1. Primitive camps may be removed at any time during the rendezvous, except as noted in Section 22. Stockade Gate below.
  2. Primitive camps must be broken down and checked by Governor or Marshal prior to bringing any vehicle into the encampment area.
  3. Vehicles will be allowed 1 hour to load and remove the entire camp.
  4. Prior to departure all holes that have been dug (water pits, campfire pits, etc.) must be completely filled in and all wood must be removed from the campsite.


  • The Alafia River Rendezvous is a family event. Participants will conduct themselves with that in mind. Offensive language, public drunkenness, and fights will NOT be tolerated and will subject the individuals involved to possible expulsion from the event. While participants are encouraged to enjoy the event to the fullest, safety, and consideration for others must be considered.

Participating Minors:

  1. Must carry their nickel at all time, just as an adult must carry their medallion.
  2. Must be in their own camp by 10:00 pm or be accompanied by an adult.
  3. May not carry firearms or other weapons without an accompanying adult, with the exception of 16 and 17 years old whom may carry a gun to the range and back to camp from the range for competition. Any minor seen handling a weapon unsafely can have that weapon taken away and given to the Booshway for the parent/guardian to pick up.
  4. Must be registered under the guardianship of an adult who remains responsible and accountable for the behavior of the minor during the event. If the guardian is other than the minor’s parent(s) or legal guardian a parental permission letter is required.
  5. Must have their parent/guardian present at the event, if the parent/guardian leaves the event, the minors must leave with them.
  6. May not, under any circumstances, partake of alcoholic beverages. Failure to adhere to this rule will be grounds for expulsion of the minor AND guardian adult from the event. Minors arriving unaccompanied by a parent /guardian will not be allowed into the encampment area. They must be met at the registration gate by a parent/guardian they are registered with – NO EXCEPTIONS. We want to ensure the parent/guardian is actually in camp.

Participating Adults:

  1. Will not provide alcoholic beverages to minors under any circumstances. Failure to adhere to this rule will be grounds for immediate expulsion from the event.
  2. Offensive language will not be tolerated.
  3. Excessive noise is not permitted after 10:00 pm.
  4. Problems may be brought by event participants to the attention of any, area Marshal or Governor, Segundo, Booshway, or other staff member, preferably in that order. The issue will be investigated by and resolved an area Governor or the Booshways.
  5. If a particular participant causes problems repeatedly, they may be expelled from the event and possibly asked not to return in future years.
  6. Verbal abuse or threatening demeanor towards a club member or participant will not tolerated and is grounds for ejections from the event and receipt of a letter stating that they will not be allowed to attend the event in the future.
  7. A letter may be sent by the Booshway or President describing a problem or problems the participant is causing, a solution to the problem(s), and what actions that will be taken if that problem continues, up to and including being banned from the event. The need for a second letter concerning the same problem(s) may be justification for banning them from event.
  8. In order for a participant to be expelled or ejected from the event the Booshway will need to first consult the President of the Club.

General Rules:

  1. All clothing, lodges and accouterments must be in the period of 1640 through 1840 in North America.
  2. Encampment area – 1640-1840s clothing and accouterments are required of participants within the encampment area from 5:00 pm of the Friday before opening ceremonies until 6:00 am on Sunday, the last day of the rendezvous.
  3. A changing tent will be provided at the registration gate and will be available during hours when the registration tent is open.
  4. Modern Area – period correct clothing is not required in the modern camping area. However, participants moving from the modern area into the primitive area must adhere to the rules for clothing in the primitive area.
  5. Primitive Attire – Great care and careful research shall be taken to ensure that all items worn or used during rendezvous are crafted, manufactured, produced, designed, reproduced, or for all intents appear like the original items in use in North America between1640-1840. Clothing doesn’t need to be elaborate, just as historically accurate as possible. The Alafia River Rendezvous camp standards are very forgiving; as an example, machine stitched clothing is accepted, but all exposed seams should be hand stitched; do the best you can until you can do better. This applies to children as well as adults.
  6. Absolutely no modern footwear and modern sunglasses of any kind, unless medically required. Period eyewear is encouraged for those wearing glasses. Effort should be made to camouflage medically required foot wear.
  7. All modern items (coolers, bottles, cans, plastic, paper towels, solar panels, and lights, flashlights, and all artificial lighting, and such) must be kept out of site at all times.
  8. Camps must be maintained at all times, dispose of refuse properly when departing camp.
  9. The sale in any form (cash, trade) licensed or otherwise, primitive or modern, of any alcoholic beverage on the Rendezvous Grounds is prohibited. 
  10. No camper vehicles, trailers of any kind, pop-ups, etc. hidden by canvas are allowed in the primitive encampment area. 
  11. No cutting of trees allowed. Climbing on trees in an unsafe or destructive manner will not be tolerated. 
  12. Smoking in food vendor, school, and seminar tents is prohibited.
  13. Participants who carry food or drink from food vendors are to do so with their own period correct plate and cup. Carrying of paper plates and cups from food vendor’s tents is not allowed. 
  14. All Campers must adhere to fire safety regulations when determining the separations of their camp from other campsites and tents.
  • Electronic Equipment: (Pertains to the primitive encampment area.)
    1. Cell phones, computers, tablets, electronic games and such are NOT period correct items and may not be used EXCEPT inside your primitive tent. If electronics, blue lights and LED lights can be seen from the outside of your tent, they will need to be turned off. Cell phones should be put on silent notification.
    2. Cameras should be kept out of sight as much as possible. They should not be carried exposed, but brought out for the photo op, then returned to cover as quickly as possible.
    3. Flying of drones are not permitted without specific prior permission from the Booshway.


  1. All registered participants will receive a numbered medallion.
  2. Medallions will be issued with the registration packet as follows: anyone not having reached their 18thbirthday will be issued a Wooden Nickel with the Medallion number of their accompanying adult written on it. All others will receive the event’s Medallion upon registration. NOTE: Minors with Wooden Nickels will not be allowed access to the Rendezvous Grounds without an accompanying adult possessing a matching numbered Medallion.
  3. Medallions and Wooden Nickels will be carried by participants/minors anytime they are within the rendezvous grounds, including parking lots.
  4. Medallions are required for entry into the Encampment Area. Participant Medallions will be checked at both the registration and stockade gates when open and by the deputy sheriff at the registration gate when those gates are closed. Medallions checked by the deputy ALSO require a PHOTO ID and the number on the Medallion must match the name on the deputy’s copy of the participant list. Random Medallion checks may be conducted at any time, at any camp, anywhere on the property by the Booshway, Segundo, Governors, Marshalls or those designated by the Booshway.
  5. If a participant loses their Medallion a new one may be issued. However, an additional fee may be incurred to cover the cost of the Medallion.
  6. Previous years Medallions are to be on sale at the general store.
  • Fire Safety: (These rules pertain to both the primitive and modern camping areas.)
    1. All Fires must be in either a fire pit or grill.
    2. A water bucket must be kept next to your fire at all times.
    3. Area around the fire pit must be kept free of debris and high grass.
    4. No logs or wood are to extend over the sides of fire pit.
    5. Watch and keep children at a safe distance from fires.
    6. Participants fire must be attended to at all times. Fires left unattended will be put out and violators will be given a warning. A second offense will be cause for ejection.
    7. Participants are encouraged to construct non-combustible wind breaks around fire pits where needed.
    8. It is recommended that each camp have at least one fire extinguisher inside your tent.
    9. All tent and fly fabric shall be flame resistant.
    10. Make sure there are no tripping hazards between tents. Do not cross ropes and leave at least 18-24 inches between stakes from one tent to another.
    11. Due to unfavorable conditions, a fire ban may be issued.
    12. All flammable/combustible materials must be cleared 10 feet from tents; this includes placing hay/straw at bottom of tents. Combustible wood panels shall not be used to make enclosures between tents.
    13. When leaving, replace divots, remove all fire pits rocks and stones, fill in fire pits, remove all fire wood, and police your area before leaving.
    14. Food vendors using LP gas, (see trade rules).

Alafia River Rendezvous Animal Policy:

No pets or animals are allowed in the rendezvous grounds with the following exceptions:

Service animals per ADA rules/regulations and Florida Frontiersmen member’s horses.

Service Animal Policy:

The Alafia River Rendezvous® welcomes visitors with service animals. Service animals are “dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities,” according to the Revised Americans with Disabilities Act Service Animal Requirements. Our Pet Policy applies to service animals with the following exemptions:

  1. Service animals in a working capacity are allowed in all public areas when accompanied by a visitor with a disability; and,
  2. Service animals should be harnessed, leashed or tethered unless such devices interfere with the service animal’s work, or if the guest/participant disability prevents the use of these devices. In that case, the guest/participant must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal or other effective controls.
  3. If a service dog is not under control and the handler fails to act to gain control, a business owner or staff member is permitted to ask that the animal be removed from the premises. A handler may also be asked to remove a service dog that is not housebroken, is behaving aggressively, or is otherwise posing a threat to human health and safety.
  4. We understand that service animals may need recreational breaks; therefore, if a service animal is not working (e.g., running around, playing fetch, etc.), it is only permitted at designated pet locations. Service animals may be kept in the encampment by disabled participants. However, their presence MUST be noted on their owner’s registration paper. Service animals may be asked to leave if the animal is aggressive or noisy. Service animals may NOT be brought on site for training purposes. Owners of service animals are responsible for cleaning up after their animals.
  5. Only Florida Frontiersmen members may have a horse on rendezvous grounds during the event and only with the permission of the head Ranger. Horses MUST be stabled in the barn.

Modern Camping Pet Rules:

For everyone’s enjoyment, including pets, please observe the following modern camping pet rules. Failure to abide by these rules may result in the camper being asked to board the pet outside of the Florida Frontiersmen, Inc. property. Pets are not allowed in primitive (rendezvous site) area. Pets are only permitted in modern camping area. 

  1. All pets must be confined, leashed, or otherwise under the physical control of a person at all times. Leashes may not exceed six feet in length. This rule does not apply to horses and pack animals brought in by permission of the board.
  2. Pets must be well behaved at all times.
  3. Pets must be confined in the owner’s modern camping unit during designated quiet time hours, 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  4. At other times, pets may be left unattended on the owner’s modern campsite for no more than 30 minutes and must be leashed.
  5. Pet owners are required to pick up after their pets and properly dispose of all pet droppings in trash receptacles. Pets that are noisy, vicious, dangerous, disturbing or intimidating to other persons or pets, or which damage Florida Frontiersmen, Inc. resources, are considered to be nuisances and will not be permitted to remain on the property.
  6. Non-fur bearing pets, such as reptiles, birds or fish, must be confined or under the physical control of the owner. Some animals may be prohibited on Florida Frontiersmen, Inc. property. Captive wild species, whether native or non-native and barnyard animals, except horses, are prohibited.
  7. The number of pets allowed is variable by park depending on the campsite types and buffer zones available, but shall not exceed four.
  8. Dogs, cats and other pets must be vaccinated as per Chapter 828, F.S. Florida Law. Owners do not need written proof of vaccination when registering to camp.
  9. Equestrians are required, upon request, to provide proof of negative Coggins test (EIA test) for each horse on areas administered by the division in accordance with F.A.C. 5C-18.010, 5C-18.011. This policy also applies to miniature horses that are service animals.

 Animal Safety:

Use the tips below for healthier and happier travels with your pets. Be sure to keep your pet cool. Florida weather varies year-round, but can always include high temperatures, even in the winter.

  1. Be sure to have plenty of water available, especially when leaving the campsite with your pet.
  2. Never leave your pets in a parked car, even if the windows are open or if you are parked in the shade.
  3. It takes only minutes for a pet left in a vehicle on a warm day to succumb to heatstroke and suffocation. Temperatures inside a car easily reach more than 160 degrees if parked in the Florida sun.
  4. Even when the outside air temperature is in the 60s, temperatures inside some vehicles can reach dangerous temperatures on bright, sunny days. So many experts recommend not leaving pets in parked cars even for short periods if the temperature is in the 60s or higher.
  5. Rolling down a window or parking in the shade does not guarantee protection either, since temperatures can still climb. And if the window is rolled down sufficiently, the pet can escape. Plus, if a passer-by claims he or she was bitten through the car window, the pet owner may be liable.
  6. Animals are not able to sweat like humans. Dogs cool themselves by panting and by sweating through their paws. If they have only overheated air to breathe, animals can collapse, suffer brain damage and possibly die of heatstroke. Less than 15 minutes can be enough for an animal’s body temperature to climb from a normal 102.5 to deadly levels that will damage the nervous and cardiovascular systems, often leaving the animal comatose, dehydrated and at risk of permanent impairment or death.
  7. Know about and prevent heat exhaustion.
  8. If you see signs of heat exhaustion take the dog into the shade, an air-conditioned area or to your veterinarian. Do not hesitate to seek medical attention.
  9. Signs of heatstroke include: restlessness, excessive thirst, heavy panting, lethargy, dark tongue, rapid pulse, fever, vomiting, glazed eyes, dizziness or lack of coordination.
  10. To lower body temperature, gradually give the animal water to drink, place a cold towel or ice pack on the head, neck and chest, and/or immerse the dog in cool (not cold) water


  1. Potable water is provided for participants at a number of water points. Participants will use period appropriate or correctly covered water containers while traveling to and from these water points. No washing of dishes, rinsing out chemical toilets or bathing at water points.
  2. Personal sanitation – Chemical toilets (aka Hooters) are located throughout the rendezvous grounds.
  3. Trash – Four dumpsters are provided for participant use. Dumpsters are located near the stockade gate, wood pile, at the intersection of Powder Horn and Wolf Track and in the modern camping area. An additional dumpster is brought in for visitor weekend and placed near the firewater tanks.
  4. Trash bags and containers are to be covered during transport to and from dumpsters and in camps if the trash container is not period correct/appropriate.
  5. Campers may dig a small “sump” hole for wash water. The hole should be as small as possible, in a safe place where others will not be stepping into it and must be completely filled prior to final departure. Food leftovers shall not be placed into the sump.


  1. Firearms – 1640-1840 period correct/appropriate firearms only are allowed in the encampment area during the event. Florida Frontiersmen safety rules apply throughout the event. Notably, firearms must be carried, muzzle up, at all times. Firearms will be unloaded at all times and may only be loaded at the range under supervision of a Range Safety Officer when the range is “hot”. Pistols shall be holstered or carried with muzzles up.
  2. Minors may not carry firearms or other weapons without an accompanying adult, with the exception of 16 and 17 years old whom can carry a gun to the range and back to camp from the range for competition. Any minor seen handling a weapon unsafely can have that weapon taken away and given to the Booshway for the parent/guardian to pick up.
  3. For type of firearms allowed on the range please see Range Rules.
  4. East Florida Frontiersmen Rangers Regiment under the direction of their Colonel may from time to time carry their firearms and perform musket volleys with black powder only (no ball or patch) outside the gunrange.

Registration Gate:

  1. The registration gate will be open from 8:00 am until 4:00pm daily.
  2. All vehicles must stop at the stop sign at the registration gate for a check of medallions/driver’s license/vehicle registration sticker or to be processed. 
  3. Participants should remain in their vehicle and wait their turn to enter the event.
  4. A Sheriff’s deputy will be on duty at the registration gate from 4:00 pm until 8:00 am daily from Tuesday evening of early arrival through Sunday morning before rendezvous end to provide nighttime security. Access to rendezvous grounds, including parking area(s), modern camp, and the encampment area, will be allowed only to participants with a medallion AND a photo ID. The medallion shown must match the number on the participant list provided to the deputy or entry will not be permitted.

22.Stockade Gate:

  1. The stockade gate is the main entrance for the participant’s vehicles into and out of the primitive area. It will be open daily from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm from Wednesday of early set up through the Wednesday of the rendezvous for vehicle entry. The last Thursday, Friday and Saturday the gate is only open between 6am and 7am for vehicle entry and all vehicles must be out of the encampment area by 8:00 am on these days.
  2. A secondary entrance/exit to the primitive encampment is located at the far east end of the stockade for emergencies or special circumstances as directed by the Booshway. 
  3. For those participants who have used their one time in, they may drop off items at the stockade gate, park their vehicle in participant parking, and then carry the items into the encampment area. Items carried into the encampment must be period correct or covered during transportation through the encampment area. The Florida Frontiersmen have carts participants may borrow by leaving their medallion at the locationstation.
  4. The final Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the event are days open to school children and the public. The stockade gate WILL be manned during the time the gate is closed on these three days.
  5. Only emergency vehicles will be permitted into the encampment during times the stockade gate is closed. The Booshway may also approve entry of other vehicle(s) needed during an emergencysituation.
  6. The stockade gate will be opened but unmanned beginning at 6:00 am on the last Sunday of rendezvous and all non-member participants must be off the property by 4:00 pm. The Booshway and Segundo’s are responsible to make sure all participants are off the property before they leave and lock the gate. 
  7. Exceptions can be made if the participant has written permission from the Booshway or Segundo.  If permission is given, the Board of Directors need to be given the list of names and what Club member will be responsible to make sure the participant is off the property on Monday. 

School, Day, VIP Visitors:

  • The final Thursday of the event is opened to school children and their attendants from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm for tours. Tour Guides/Docents, are club members/participants.
  • The final Friday and Saturday the encampment area will be opened to the public from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm each day. Visitors must leave the encampment area by 4:00 pm.
    • Public visitor’s fees are as follows:
    • Children not having reached their 4th birthday, entry is free. Children reaching their 4th birthday but not their 16th birthday, entry fee to be determined by the Board of Directors.
    • Anyone having reached their 16th birthday but not his/her 65th birthday, entry fee to be determined by the Board of Directors.
    • Anyone having reached their 65th birthday, entry fee to be determined by the Board of Directors.
    • VIP Visitors must have either a VIP Family Pass or One Person Pass.
    • Musicians must have a pass from the entertainment chief.


  1. Dog Soldiers – are the “security guards” at the registration and stockade gates for the rendezvous. They are under the leadership of, and will be assigned duties by the Chiefs of the Registration Gate and the Location Station. Dog soldiers will man the registration and stockade gates when those gates are open. Reference the Dog Soldier’s Manual for additional information about specific duties. Dog soldiers should be of general service to event participants, but are NOT to be errand runners.
  2. Alafia Rangers are the event’s horse mounted security force and will perform general security watch functions throughout the rendezvous grounds.
  3. Governors and their Marshalls provide general area leadership and security for the area they are assigned. After the Booshway, the Governor is the final authority for their area’s safety and security.

Parking Areas:

  1. Participant Parking Lot: This area is roped off for participant parking and for modern camping overflow. Open campfires, for safety reasons, are prohibited in this area. Motor home/RV campers parked on the far north side of this parking lot are allowed to run generators throughout the night in this area only.
  2. Handicap Parking Lot: Handicap parking is limited and is provided for participants only. Participants utilizing handicap parking MUST display a valid handicap tag. Overnight CAMPING is prohibited in this parking lot.
  3. Staff Parking Lot: Staff parking is for rendezvous staff and emergency vehicles only. The Booshway will determine who, exactly, is allowed to park in this area. Permission will be shown by having “Staff” or Chief” printed on their rendezvous parking sticker.
  4. Modern area camping/parking is on a first come, first served basis. Only one vehicle will be allowed for each modern camp site. Additional vehicles are to be parked in the participant parking lot.


  1. Participants’ vehicles are to be parked in designated parking areas only.
  2. Vehicles parked in the handicap area MUST have a valid handicap-parking permit (tag, sticker, license plate).
  3. The medical golf cart is to be used for medical emergencies only. The Booshway for use transporting select visitors (VIPs, fire marshal, police chief, etc.) may authorize other golf cart(s).
  4. Individuals needing them may use personal mobility devices. However, they should be kept covered when not in use. A charging station, located at the stockade gate, is available for participant use. As the charging station is run by generator, availability is not guaranteed. The generator will be operated between the hours of 8:00 am and 6pm daily.
  5. Off road vehicles (ATVs, golf carts, riding mowers/tractors, and etc.) cannot be used during the event.